can pc pubg players play with mobile

Can PC PUBG Players Play with Mobile? Cross-Play Explained

Online gaming has changed a lot, with PUBG leading the change. This game attracts players from PC, consoles, and mobile. PC gamers often wonder if they can play with those on mobile. We’ll look into PUBG’s cross-play abilities and what they mean for players. Understanding PUBG and Cross-Play Learning about PUBG and its cross-play features…

can pc play with ps4 for honor

Can PC Players Play For Honor with PS4? Cross-Play Details

The long-awaited For Honor cross-play is here. Now, PC players and PS4 gamers can fight together in exciting matches. Ubisoft launched it without cross-play in February 2017. But they’ve now started rolling it out in two stages. The first stage began on March 17, 2022. It was a big moment for players on PC, PlayStation,…